
Jade Land Properties’ Sponsorship of the Jessica Run “JRun” 2018 charitable event

Jade Land Properties sponsored the Jessica Run “JRun” 2018 charitable event on April 8th, 2018 at Cyberport.

Jessica Run is a community event organized by the Jessica Foundation with the goal of raising funds for various charity organizations and awareness about their causes. All funds raised by the Jessica Foundation will go to the following organizations: “Women Helping Women Hong Kong”, “Society for Abandoned Animals”, “Sowers Action”, and “Make A Wish Hong Kong”. On the day, families are encouraged to take part it in various races, such as the 100m or 400m children’s race and the 3km and 8km individual adult races.

Cheque presentation ceremony

Our Managing Director, Dr. Theresa Fok, represented our company in the cheque presentation ceremony to representatives of the Women Helping Women Hong Kong (WHWHK) organization – a non-profit organization that aims to raise awareness about gender-based violence and offers intervention and support services to survivors of abuse in Hong Kong.

Pictured here from left to right is: Jessica Ng of Vice-chairman of South China Financial Holdings; Our Dr. Theresa Fok, Founder & Managing Director of Jade Land Properties; Patti Ho, Co-Founder of WHW; Shirley Kuan, Board of Directors of WHW; Esther Ma, Board of Directors of WHW; Mahnaz Lee, Founder and Board of Directors of WHW

Our team was present to share about our Alila2 project, the Malaysia My Second Home program & investment opportunities with visitors.

Our Accolades

Asia Pacific Property Awards - Hong Kong Regional Nominee Finalist: "5-Star Best Real Estate Agency Marketing Hong Kong / “5-Star Best Real Estate Agency Single Office Hong Kong / “Real Estate Agency Website Award Winner”


The 20th Capital Outstanding Enterprise Awards / "Outstanding Overseas Property Real Estate Agency"


Metro Finance's Leaders' Choice Awards / "Excellent Overseas Property Agency Brand"


The Hong Kong Council of Social Service / "Caring Company"
